Online Repository
Extend the Life of Your Legacy Systems with Our Online Repositories
Our Online Repositories (OLR) provide a seamless solution for organizations looking to retire older legacy systems. With OLR, you can ensure 24/7 access to legacy data and images, all securely stored in one centralized location. Our expert developers offer comprehensive support, including interface integration, payment posting options, and much more.
Respository Features
Legacy systems have numerous challenges, such as inadequate security measures for protecting patient’s PHI and the absence of regular security updates, leaving them open to new threats. They also have limited auditing capabilities, making incident detection challenging. Implementing strong data encryption is often problematic, and interoperability issues can impede secure data exchange. Furthermore, end-of-life systems present significant risks due to the lack of updates and support, and complying with data retention and destruction rules can be challenging.
Maintaining the security of the legacy in the repository is a huge deal. The information has to be held and stored for 10 years or so, before it can be destroyed. In that time their system if left, becomes easy prey to attackers due to what I mentioned above. Using HFS services means their legacy data will remain secure for as long as they need it stored. They also can access it through our repository so they can run their reports or post to the old accounts.
Full migration of your legacy billing system into our web-based data base application.
Patient Search Options with all registration and insurance history. Change ‘insurance history’ to insurance data.
Historical Data
History of statements sent, financial ledger (with drill-down), financial inquiries.
Complete and integrated transaction history of all clinical visits and hospital stays.
Allows for transaction posting and interfaces to accounting as well as other reporting tools.
Eliminate support costs.
Export to Excel or PDF.
- Repository reporting
- Images and scanning
- Apply payments
- Record requests

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